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Can the X5 be upgraded to X5R?

Aug 7, 2015
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Hi all,

I know this is probably a stupid question, but I was wondering if anybody in the know would know if it would be possible to upgrade the X5 to X5R. I assume it would be connecting the RAW recording module, and then maybe some firmware.

The reason I ask is I know someone selling their X5 for a good price, but I'm holding out for the RAW. But if I can upgrade it, then that would be best of both worlds!
Hi all,

I know this is probably a stupid question, but I was wondering if anybody in the know would know if it would be possible to upgrade the X5 to X5R. I assume it would be connecting the RAW recording module, and then maybe some firmware.

The reason I ask is I know someone selling their X5 for a good price, but I'm holding out for the RAW. But if I can upgrade it, then that would be best of both worlds!
Even if It becomes available to upgrade it wouldn't be available till December:mad:
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Yes because the mini ssd that is attached to the X5 has to be removable if not dji just failed. Here is why... Lets say you are on set and your ssd is full and you still have 2hrs to shoot because the "Director" has that impossible shot in his head he wants you to re create.

You really think they gonna wait for you to unload 500G+ data... Dont think so doesnt work that way. So for production companys its gonna be important to have several ssd drives vs several X5R. they can swap the ssd's on the spot and the "DIT" takes care of unloading and checking the data.
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Hi all,

I know this is probably a stupid question, but I was wondering if anybody in the know would know if it would be possible to upgrade the X5 to X5R. I assume it would be connecting the RAW recording module, and then maybe some firmware.

The reason I ask is I know someone selling their X5 for a good price, but I'm holding out for the RAW. But if I can upgrade it, then that would be best of both worlds!
No - They are completely different architecture.
One writes to a standard media card the other writes to a proprietary swappable SSD. The data pipeline and encoding/compression is completely different.
No - They are completely different architecture.
One writes to a standard media card the other writes to a proprietary swappable SSD. The data pipeline and encoding/compression is completely different.
You think its a completely different camera? Correct me if im wrong but i remember reading something about still being able to plug in your sd card on the side of the ssd. might be a picture but i do recall seeing something.

And for the camera i doubt its that much different from the X5. Just look at the Canon 5D's Who would of thought we can shoot 14Bit RAW with a 5Dmk3. Magic Lantern cracked it.
You think its a completely different camera? Correct me if im wrong but i remember reading something about still being able to plug in your sd card on the side of the ssd. might be a picture but i do recall seeing something.

And for the camera i doubt its that much different from the X5. Just look at the Canon 5D's Who would of thought we can shoot 14Bit RAW with a 5Dmk3. Magic Lantern cracked it.
The OP was asking whether an X5 can/could be upgraded toman X5R. The physical properties of the device are different.
Magic Lantern is firmware we are talking firmware AND hardware differences.
The OP was asking whether an X5 can/could be upgraded toman X5R. The physical properties of the device are different.
Magic Lantern is firmware we are talking firmware AND hardware differences.
I agree but dont you think a firmware update could make an X5 a X5R if the ssd is removable? I'm only wishing YES. I'm looking at pictures online and they look identical minus the ssd siting on top. So i highly doubt the camera body is different and electronics. And for magic lantern its a "software add-on" Thats how they call it :D
The electronics will be different to handle the extremely high data rate. There's more to it than just the addition of an SSD.
The electronics will be different to handle the extremely high data rate. There's more to it than just the addition of an SSD.
I was hoping not because of my ML RAW theory but well see when dji start shipping out. I'm already amazed at what we have available today for drones vs 5 years ago.
There are rumors that there will be an upgrade kit. $1,700 or something like that including a $512GB mag. And the X5 and X5R share pretty much exactly the same hardware. The X5 takes a RAW 1.6GB/s feed and compresses it to a 60MB/s compressed feed that is written to SD.

The X5R simply adds a very fast SSD wired up to the RAW output.
There are rumors that there will be an upgrade kit. $1,700 or something like that including a $512GB mag. And the X5 and X5R share pretty much exactly the same hardware. The X5 takes a RAW 1.6GB/s feed and compresses it to a 60MB/s compressed feed that is written to SD.

The X5R simply adds a very fast SSD wired up to the RAW output.

Don't mean to nit-pick, but I'm sure you know the difference between a Byte(B) and a bit(b), correct? As in, the X5R records at an average of 1.7 Gbps and the A9 SOC compresses to a max bitrate of 60Gbps. As in, 1 Byte = 8 bits?

If the X5R spare SSD is listed at $1500 here, I have to assume that an X5/X5R conversion kit will cost more than $1700, unless DJI is willing to cannibalize the X5R market before figuring out what kind of market size it will get. The mere fact they are willing to charge $1500 (at this time) for what at most should cost half that price for a comparable SSD leads me to believe that it will be a long time before they ship an upgrade kit, and only if the X5R market is softer than they anticipate.

I don't have a crystal ball, but I don't think DJI is expending too much energy at this time on a conversion kit. o_O
Just echoing what's been coming in through the rumor mill. There would be very little energy for DJI to exert to do it. You're basically splitting the RAW output and sending one leg of it to an SSD. And I bet a number of existing X5 owners would go for it.

As for pricing, DJI has a long history of bundling parts at significant cost reductions. Look at the old S900 bundles and compare to the price of each part.

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