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Autonomous Flight Apps -- which one?

Sep 17, 2015
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Glenville, New York

I am putting my new 210 through its paces and am very happy with its performance. I want to start doing some mapping and would like to know what other Matrice 2XX owners are using for an app. In the past i used map pilot with my I1, and i like it very much. However, i read somewhere that there were issues with map pilot and the matrice 2xx. I have also used Autopilot for other autonomous waypoint missions were i needed to control the gimbal. Autopilot works great too and i notice they have a new mapping feature.

The M210 with the dual downward gimbals can only be controller via the pilot app at this time. So i don't think an application like autopilot could control the bird and both gimbals simultaneously. it would be nice if it could. It would be nice to have both the IR and X5s scanning a solar array simultaneously. This would save a lot of time.

Thank you and look forward to hearing your thoughts.

Love to fly with Autopilot, don't know if it works with the Matrice.
Hello @Mogmen -- I attended the DJI Air Works conference and was told (and confirmed by DJI) that you could NOT record from the dual gimbals with a XT and X5S sensors at the simultaneously. Is that still true? [I'm interested in this for roof inspections and solar inspections] Please confirm. Thanks, Steven
Autopilot... period
Hi there Oyibo,

I am looking for a "terrain hugging" flight planning app, so GSD remains more or less constant throughout the flight. I need just an app as I use separate software to stitch, create DEMs, etc. I was told Map Pilot has this function but then read it has caused crashes. Don't want that with my M210.. Any insight?
Map Pilot crashed 2 Mavic's of mine but others say it works fine. That is your call.
I have done some mapping with Autopilot and with very good results.
But it is actually up to you
thanks for that. It was your post that prompted my question: I'm reluctant to try out MP given the history.. Too much to lose!
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seems like it's primarily designed for videographers.. I'll keep looking. GS Pro, which I've used a couple of times works fine with DJI drones (of course) but is for very simple surveys (on flat terrain). As soon as you have some relief you have to set the flight altitude to clear the highest point.. which causes the GSD to fluctuate.
Thanks Oyibo. Looks like Autopilot has the same mapping functionalities as DJI GSPro and no "terrain hugging".
i'll look into it, thanks for that. Up til now I've been using an ebee fixed-wing drone with the proprietary mission planning software (eMotion3), which works perfectly. I hope something as powerful will come out to work on a range of all-round drones.

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