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AFC what is this autofocus mode good for?

I'm not sure about your question, but I understand to be, do the various camera devices automatically focus as in a typical SLR, where you may be able to 'continually focus' , and the answer is no. You either have a 'slider' to manually focus (visual, on your screen) , or, if in autofocus mode, you tap a screen 'icon' to focus wherever you may 'be', ; that is, the 'camera' e.g. 5S, etc. focuses. There is no 'continuing' focus mode.
Anyone using the AFC function? Will it work during recording like focus pull when say flying away or towards a subject?

I have been gravely disappointed in the Autofocus "feature" of the X5...even after calibrating the bejesus out of it. Don't even trust infinity focus. After having to reshoot an entire night, I never trusted it again. The problem is that low-resolution iPads and Goggles (non-4K) is they are too "forgiving." I now pull my own focus and use the red line focus assist thing. I almost always fly dual operator mode with my Inspire 1.

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I'm not sure about your question, but I understand to be, do the various camera devices automatically focus as in a typical SLR, where you may be able to 'continually focus' , and the answer is no. You either have a 'slider' to manually focus (visual, on your screen) , or, if in autofocus mode, you tap a screen 'icon' to focus wherever you may 'be', ; that is, the 'camera' e.g. 5S, etc. focuses. There is no 'continuing' focus mode.
Thanks. If I understand your answer correctly AFC would ruin a clip by constantly re-focusing. Meaning that it would hunt a bit before locking on and doing this automatically every time when it senses that the subject in focus square got out of focus, right? As such completely useless for video, hmmm...

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