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USA #333 exemption

The purpose of the 333 exemption is to allow the FAA to regulate the commercial use of UASs, NOT the normal everyday Joe's use of UASs. So the FAA made the exemption so that those who have already attained licensing to fly full scale aircraft will have more solid understanding of airspace and radio chatter. At least that's their idea. So NO you do not have to have a commercial pilots license yet. If you have a sport, private, commercial ... they're all the same. The FAA did this to be "nice" in that they encroached upon a lot of professional folks who were making money with their systems and no where near being commercial pilots.

Most government employees are just like the rest of people. They don't read for themselves they just listen and spout off what someone else has told them. I used to work as an air traffic controller and I'm a pilot. So sadly I know. Read and understand the dang laws for yourself and that way you can be more helpful than spreading rumors.

That's what I find surprising. Like I mentioned before.....We fly in a "Box", so radio chatter and a full understanding of the airspace is stretching it a bit. Especially when you have kites, rockets, RC airplanes and balloons being launched from every backyard in the USA...

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