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Recent content by Kilrah

  1. Kilrah

    X4S Mechanical shutter Q

    Photo only of course, to reduce skew on moving subjects... which is rarely an issue in the first place.
  2. Kilrah

    Cinelight versions, 0.9.9. vs 0.9.26

    If they follow convention the website one is newer, since 26 >9. would be older since it would be sub-revision 6 of 0.9.2
  3. Kilrah

    M4/3 camera with GPS

    Osmo won't give you GPS. 4-5 years back it was common for cameras to have integrated GPS, but it seems everybody has given up on that now. I recall people having problems travelling in some countries where they could get their camera confiscated if it had a GPS. It also increased battery draw...
  4. Kilrah

    Aperture resets to f1.8 after reviewing photos

    How are you scrolling through photos while in playback mode?
  5. Kilrah

    X3 camera instead of x5

    Seems what you want is an I1 V2.
  6. Kilrah

    X5R ProRes SD Footage vs SSD RAW

    Softness - it's again because RAW comes RAW, if you want it sharper you have to sharpen it yourself. The H264 footage is sharpened by the camera, the whole point of using RAW is to have control over that instead of having to go with what the camera chooses, so the job becomes yours to do as you...
  7. Kilrah

    X5R ProRes SD Footage vs SSD RAW

    RAW is RAW, you get more data but you lose all of the image enhancements and processing the camera is capable of doing, it allows you to try and do better but as a drawback it REQUIRES you to at least manage to do as good. All you're seeing there is that it can be a complex job in some...
  8. Kilrah

    Adjusting Yaw/Tilt panning curves and speed on X5 Gimbal?

    Option 3: Nothing, since the option is actually still there.
  9. Kilrah

    Australia DJI Go v3.00 C1 and C2 mapping

    There isn't on the slave, but switch your slave radio to master mode in the app (or connect the phone with the new app to your master radio) and you'll see it's there. DJI simply removed the options that don't apply to the slave from the app when it sees a slave radio (if they were there in the...
  10. Kilrah

    Australia DJI Go v3.00 C1 and C2 mapping

    Don't understand... you're complaining about loss of buttons on the slave, then saying you can't use your finger becasue you're flying the aircraft - but that's done with the master, the operator on the slave remote would have their finger free. Just checked on my I1 with latest FW and the...
  11. Kilrah

    X5 Filter Basics

    For anything other than "cinematic-looking" footage you would not want to use an ND filter.
  12. Kilrah

    Is X5 auto focus full time?

    I have. Customers see our work and commission us based on that. They have no idea what we're going to use and don't care, they know the result they will get and that's what matters. Always gets us a good laugh when they see the result, try to speculate on whatever crazy stuff we must have used...
  13. Kilrah

    Please help me understaning where i am wrong

    The X5 looks much better to me, apart from being shot with awful light that of course doesn't make it shine. Maybe you can mention what aspects of the image you find better/worse...
  14. Kilrah

    UK Urgent holland filming tomorrow (Tue 19th)

    Well if they wanted to avoid it they'd have offered a reasonable fee. Most likely whoever had accepted to go for free got another job offer that was more interesting and just ditched them. Freebies always end up at the bottom of the pile.
  15. Kilrah

    UK Urgent holland filming tomorrow (Tue 19th)

    I'll do that with pleasure with people I know and trust, actually this weekend I've filmed a relatively large budget show a friend worked on for free, bringing $10k worth of equipment and spent 2 evenings against nothing but food, a couple of drinks, transport and a night at my friend's place -...