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X5 4K, 2.7K video is choppy (double frame)

Feb 23, 2017
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SO after playing with my Inspire 1 Pro, I realised that the video is very choppy when panning.

I did some test with:
- 4K 30fps shutter 1/60,
- 2.7k 30fps shutter 1/60 and
- 1080p at 60fps shutter 1/120

And its clear that the 1080p is so smooth but the 4k and 2.7 are so choppy. Before you say, one is being shot at 30fps and another at 60fps......

I did go frame by frame and realise that when in 4k/2.7k there are double of the same frame!!!! So there are 60 frames on 1 second of footage - 2 frames that are identical.
While on the 1080p it does not have this double frame. and plays 60 different frames on every second.

If you did manually remove the double frame from the 4k/2.7k, then its smooth.

Is this is a software issue or known issue? Any way to fix even if its in post to delete every second frame?
There's a search feature on the forum... use it, read the other thread that exists, and if you still have questions, I'll chat there.
There's a search feature on the forum... use it, read the other thread that exists, and if you still have questions, I'll chat there.
I have searched but nothing gives a fix. I am using Sandisk Extreme Pro which is U3 and capable of fast transfers.
Sorry, not to be short... but these are high bit rate files, they take almost as much as RAW video to play.
Sorry, not to be short... but these are high bit rate files, they take almost as much as RAW video to play.

Well it can't be as I'm scrolling frame by frame and can see no change in every second frame. While on 1080p i can see a change in every frame.

Also i have a MPB with 16gb, SSD, 2.2 GHz Intel Core i7. Seems to handle things well. Its the model before the latest.
Even after i use FCPX and export at 1080p its still very noticeable chop.
Well, a PC, not a mac... unless they've finally caught up with the 20th century and can format FAT.
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Well, a PC, not a mac... unless they've finally caught up with the 20th century and can format FAT.
just so you know, if you go into Disk Utility you can format anything to FAT, since i got my first mac in 2007 its able to do this :)
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Hi Bruno,

What is the frame rate for your timeline?

Could you post a video showing these pans?
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Hi Bruno,

What is the frame rate for your timeline?

Could you post a video showing these pans?
I've used 29.97, 30, 60 and they all showed. I've now deleted them after trying out so many options. But I can easily recreate.
With FCPX you can fix it slightly by using "optical flow" and it fixes the second frame that is a duplicate. But that's still no a solution for me. I've read that a lot of people have issues with pans and they all look choppy.
But I'll just use 1080p as it's 60fps.
Hi Bruno,

My first thought was that the pans may be too fast for your shooting frame rate. But that would not explain the duplicate frame. In your NLE, dropping a 30 fps clip into a 60 fps timeline would manufacture the extra frames (or speed up the clip speed depending on your settings). That could explain it for a 60 FPS timeline.
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Hi Bruno,

My first thought was that the pans may be too fast for your shooting frame rate. But that would not explain the duplicate frame. In your NLE, dropping a 30 fps clip into a 60 fps timely would manufacture the extra frames (or speed up the clip speed depending on your settings). That could explain it for a 60 FPS timeline.
One thing I've noticed whether I use the software editing at 30 or 60fps is that if I slow the footage say 50% I can see the frame by frame even better and even at 30fps editing setting it's still there. And it seems to be coming from the raw file in the SD card and not something that FCPX is creating. I can see the duplicate even in QuickTime of the raw file when moving frame by frame.
Have a look of a screen capture i did. Look at where the mouse pointer is, that shows the frames. And you can see that as i go frame by frame, every second one is the same.
For those who asked about the choppy video. Ive done one from a previous pan. Not as choppy as I'm not moving as fast as. But still noticeable and not a good feeling to the eye.
I also included the exact same clip with FCPX doing its Optical Flow to fix the issue, its quite an improvement. SO the video below is first half the raw footage and the second half is improved with Optical flow from FCPX.


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