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Lumix 14-42 Not Autofocusing

Jan 17, 2019
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Dug into my grab bag of stuff I don't use and found a Lumix 14-42, 3.5-5.6. Says acceptable lens for X5R. I think I originally purchased it as a means to determine what primes I wanted. Get error, 'CAMERA NOT CONNECTED' but am able to focus in MF. Would I be incorrect in assuming that this lens while compaitble with 'MOST' X5R features, does not autofocus? Inspire 1, V2.0 (pro)
Dug into my grab bag of stuff I don't use and found a Lumix 14-42, 3.5-5.6. Says acceptable lens for X5R. I think I originally purchased it as a means to determine what primes I wanted. Get error, 'CAMERA NOT CONNECTED' but am able to focus in MF. Would I be incorrect in assuming that this lens while compaitble with 'MOST' X5R features, does not autofocus? Inspire 1, V2.0 (pro)

Probably. Check for pin alignment between the lens and the body. Though the lens may physically fit, it may not give all the features of a DJI OEM lens.

When you say "Manually focus," do you mean via the app? Or do you have to physically turn the lens by hand? I kind of assume you mean via the app, as a lens that has to be physically turned by hand would be pretty useless on a drone.

Check those pins. Make sure the lens has the same number of pins as the X5R body and they all align.

Q: Will the lens auto-expose?

Of course should have been more specific; focus can be done via app. Not a big deal but couldn't think of any inherent reason why autofocus would not work. Fiddled with it for awhile, but the 'manual', think C1 set and of course finger on slide bar. When attempting the 'green' autofocus error comes up LENS NOT CONNECTED. But never thought of checking no. of pins, perhaps it's jus 'kinda compatible'. lol Thanks for jumping in, btw. Heck, I didn't anwwer your question, I never even got to check autoexpose. Will do, and again, thanks. I will report in if there's any solution or knowledge to be gained for the unwashed masses. LOL
Ugh, rebooted everything, removed and reseated lens, double UGH, it works fine. Wonder how long I have to live (am 79) before I actually believe re-booting and starting afresh fixes most problems. LOL
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Ugh, rebooted everything, removed and reseated lens, double UGH, it works fine. Wonder how long I have to live (am 79) before I actually believe re-booting and starting afresh fixes most problems. LOL

I literally tell my computer customers, "BEFORE YOU CALL ME, reboot everything." 90% of the time a good reboot fixes the problem, especially printer problems. There's a reason "reboot" is usually the first step of scripted support. Glad you found it!

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