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DJI X5s camera with DJI 15mm lens won't focus

Oct 3, 2017
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I use this lens a lot. Friday was the last time with zero issues. Today I did a flight and all of a sudden the lens wouldn't auto focus or manually focus. I tried my Olympus 25 and 45mm lenses and they both worked no problem. When I got home I updated the DJI GO software to the latest, plus there was inconsistent software warning that suddenly came up so I updated that also. Still same problem. I then cleaned the contacts and reset camera settings and still same problem. My other lenses continue to work with no issue but the 15mm will not auto focus. Nothing happened with the camera or lens since my flight on Friday so has anyone else experience an issue like this?
I use this lens a lot. Friday was the last time with zero issues. Today I did a flight and all of a sudden the lens wouldn't auto focus or manually focus. I tried my Olympus 25 and 45mm lenses and they both worked no problem. When I got home I updated the DJI GO software to the latest, plus there was inconsistent software warning that suddenly came up so I updated that also. Still same problem. I then cleaned the contacts and reset camera settings and still same problem. My other lenses continue to work with no issue but the 15mm will not auto focus. Nothing happened with the camera or lens since my flight on Friday so has anyone else experience an issue like this?
I know this seems like a no brainer, but have you checked the AF switch on the lens?
Yes I did check that was the first thing. Just strange how nothing was touched over the weekend and all of a sudden it stops focusing. Did a shoot today with the 25mm Olympus with no issues.
Just to let anyone know that experiences this same thing it was the lens. My new lens arrived today from DrDrone.ca who is dealing with the warranty for me. I purchased a new lens, put it on and voila no problem. What happened to my lens I may never know but it just stopped focusing for no obvious reason. DJI still has not called me back and I purchased the DJI Refresh Care. They told me at first on the phone that I must send camera and lens in to them to determine the problem even though I already eliminated the camera from being the problem. Then when I explained I have replacement warranty they said I should bring the lens in (not possible) or send away to the USA and get new one back 4-6 weeks. I regret buying the Refresh Care package now that is for sure! Thanks to DrDrone I'm back up and running in 2 days and I'm so glad I bought my drone from them instead of DJI directly!
I use this lens a lot. Friday was the last time with zero issues. Today I did a flight and all of a sudden the lens wouldn't auto focus or manually focus. I tried my Olympus 25 and 45mm lenses and they both worked no problem. When I got home I updated the DJI GO software to the latest, plus there was inconsistent software warning that suddenly came up so I updated that also. Still same problem. I then cleaned the contacts and reset camera settings and still same problem. My other lenses continue to work with no issue but the 15mm will not auto focus. Nothing happened with the camera or lens since my flight on Friday so has anyone else experience an issue like this?
Sounds like a software issue. A lot of time the inconsistent software will come up multiple times but sporadically. Try multiple rebooting of bird and RC and don’t let it go to camera view. Sometimes you have to close or swipe out the app each time. After it says “checking for updates” and says current, just wait for another inconsistent software prompt. Sometimes the inconsistent software prompts won’t show up until the next day.
Yes I thought the same and tried that actually and once did get inconsistent firmware message so updated it and still same result. My new lens came and works perfectly and sent that one back so problem solved for now. Thanks for the suggestion!
I have an Inspire 2 with a X5S 15mm camera. The standard configuration. I suffered stupid crash that broke one side of the landing gear and jolted the X5S pretty good. The lens was kind of stuck but it operates fine now.

I did a job yesterday and switched from the 15mm to a 45mm and I could not focus the camera at all. Same thing with a pancake lens. I power down the bird but I did not close out the apps like previously mentioned. Something else about the 15 too, I can change all the settings in manual mode but my EV meter never goes up or down. I did get a camera sensor error before too. Did I 'f' up my X5S?
I use this lens a lot. Friday was the last time with zero issues. Today I did a flight and all of a sudden the lens wouldn't auto focus or manually focus. I tried my Olympus 25 and 45mm lenses and they both worked no problem. When I got home I updated the DJI GO software to the latest, plus there was inconsistent software warning that suddenly came up so I updated that also. Still same problem. I then cleaned the contacts and reset camera settings and still same problem. My other lenses continue to work with no issue but the 15mm will not auto focus. Nothing happened with the camera or lens since my flight on Friday so has anyone else experience an issue like this?
Are you sure you did not accidentally move the AF switch on the lens to M position? If you use the rubber protective collar on the lens it can easily happen when handling the lens without noticing. BTW, the same applies to the aperture ring?
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