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USA Special Airworthiness Certificate

Dec 25, 2015
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I thought a Special Airworthiness Certificate was applied for by the manufacturer of an aircraft. I had a fella last night tell me I had to apply for one for each of my quadcopters.

Did I miss this requirement completely?
" thought a Special Airworthiness Certificate was applied for by the manufacturer of an aircraft. I had a fella last night tell me I had to apply for one for each of my quadcopters."

Are you referring to a 333 operation? The answer is NO. That's the reason you request and are granted an exemption.
If you are referring to hobby use on your out-of-the-box Phantom or Inspire, no such thing is required by the FAA.
From my 333:

Airworthiness Certification
The UAS proposed by the petitioner is a DJI Phantom 3 Pro.
In accordance with the statutory criteria provided in Section 333 of Public Law 112−95 in
reference to 49 U.S.C. § 44704, and in consideration of the size, weight, speed, and limited
operating area associated with the aircraft and its operation, the Secretary of Transportation
has determined that this aircraft meets the conditions of Section 333. Therefore, the FAA
finds that relief from 14 CFR part 21, Certification procedures for products and parts,
Subpart H—Airworthiness Certificates, and any associated noise certification and testing
requirements of part 36, is not necessary."

Your friend is seriously confused.
"Airworthiness Certification
The UAS proposed by the petitioner is a DJI Phantom 3 Pro.
In accordance with the statutory criteria provided in Section 333 of Public Law 112−95 in
reference to 49 U.S.C. § 44704, and in consideration of the size, weight, speed, and limited
operating area associated with the aircraft and its operation, the Secretary of Transportation
has determined that this aircraft meets the conditions of Section 333. Therefore, the FAA
finds that relief from 14 CFR part 21, Certification procedures for products and parts,
Subpart H—Airworthiness Certificates, and any associated noise certification and testing
requirements of part 36, is not necessary."

Your friend is seriously confused."

That's what I thought. Not a friend but one of those folks who walk up and start talking to you about the aircraft, project etc. He sounded fairly knowledgeable at first. The it started, I have a Yaneec and don't need no stinking exemption, the FAA - bla, blab, bla. I tuned him out and said I needed to get back to work. However, I do try to gleam 'something' from almost every situation - somewhere in there he mentioned an Airworthiness Certification requirement.

Thanks for the detailed reply, I got lazy.

The gentleman may have been confused, however he may be referring to aircraft registration which requires an N-Number for every aircraft that you fly commercially.

I'm not sure what he thought, my I1 Pro is clearly marked with its N#. Thanks for your help.

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