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Samples Straight From The X5

Welcome. This is what you should see on the about page after update:View attachment 4137

Edit: Your batteries might already be updated, especially if they are new. Check the text file on the card after inserting the TB 48.

Thanks for the photo...my info shows the same except that my camera's version is, not unknown. I check the micro sd, and there haven't been any text files. I just ordered another Tb48 from B&H that will arrive tomorrow. I'm heading to upstate NY to shoot the foliage before it's done, and I'm hoping to have working batteries. I also purchased a B+W CP filter to try out, heavier than 11g, I'll report back on the experience. Thanks for all your help, guys.
What do you update through the Go App? I've never gotten that to work, is it an option for the controller? Is it possible FW updates can be run through the app?
So, my Inspire 1 Pro arrived on Monday, along with some extra TB48's I ordered. It flies great on my existing batteries, but the new ones need to be updated, no big deal. But I follow all the instructions to a tee, as I've done many times before, and no luck. Does the new FW not recognize 1.3 batteries? I'm sure it's user error, any idea how to get these batteries updated...thanks.
Sorry, the firmware is the same (but different) if that makes sense? :confused:
Although the algorithms are the same and the Inspire is able to interface with both the X3 and the X5 and adjust accordingly the firmware loader must be downloaded from the appropriate page.
X5 from the X5 page
Inspire Pro from the Inspire Pro page
Inspire from the Inspire page.
Hope that makes sense.
Sorry, the firmware is the same (but different) if that makes sense? :confused:
Although the algorithms are the same and the Inspire is able to interface with both the X3 and the X5 and adjust accordingly the firmware loader must be downloaded from the appropriate page.
X5 from the X5 page
Inspire Pro from the Inspire Pro page
Inspire from the Inspire page.
Hope that makes sense.

Thanks...I just went to the X5 download page and the first thing it say son top under Firmware is, "*It is highly recommended that inspire 1 Pro users upgrade to firmware v1.0.0.30 before flying."
Quadpilot and I are both running 1.400.10+. That's how it my pro came out of the box. I guess I start there.
Thanks...I just went to the X5 download page and the first thing it say son top under Firmware is, "*It is highly recommended that inspire 1 Pro users upgrade to firmware v1.0.0.30 before flying."
Quadpilot and I are both running 1.400.10+. That's how it my pro came out of the box. I guess I start there.

OK, first of all, the FW version on the X5 download page is for the whole package (v1.0.0.30), while the FW for the aircraft on the About page (v. is only for the aircraft.

Big issue with nomenclature here, but it's DJI, so we make do. :rolleyes:

Correction to the Editor's comment (with all due humility;)). There are only two versions: the Pro is updated on the X5 download page, the Inspire 1 (with X3) is downloaded on the Inspire 1 download page. Batteries should update with either version. Whew!!!
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So, I just did the update from the x5 page for the, and my new batteries updated. my aircraft is still v1.4.00.10+...I'm sure there's a simple explanation for all that, I don't know it, though...Glad it worked!
Thanks again, Quadpilot. I just came in from flying my newly updated batteries, and now my pro seems to fly noticeably smoother. Maybe everything's just breaking in...
Thanks again, Quadpilot. I just came in from flying my newly updated batteries, and now my pro seems to fly noticeably smoother. Maybe everything's just breaking in...

The I1 Pro/X5 will have shorter flight times. I notice 2-3 mins, on average. New batteries will not give you the same performance as ones that have been "broken in."
Tahoe-Ed and BladeStrike of DJI forum support recommend breaking in the batteries by not flying below 50% capacity for the first few flights. Happy flying! How do you like your bird so far?

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