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UK PCFO renewal - Risk table / matrix

Jun 6, 2017
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I hope that someone might be able to help me please?

I used the new online portal to renew my PFCO, and all went well, apart from an email back from the CAA telling me that:
  • "A risk table should be included in the operations manual as this shows that all risks have been identified and correctly mitigated."

I spoke to them, and they were very friendly, stating that I need to include a risk / matrix table. I have looked up online, but am only 10% wiser!

Any pointers would be hugely helpful please?

Thanks, Michael.

I hope that someone might be able to help me please?

I used the new online portal to renew my PFCO, and all went well, apart from an email back from the CAA telling me that:
  • "A risk table should be included in the operations manual as this shows that all risks have been identified and correctly mitigated."

I spoke to them, and they were very friendly, stating that I need to include a risk / matrix table. I have looked up online, but am only 10% wiser!

Any pointers would be hugely helpful please?

Thanks, Michael.
I would assume they are referring to a risk assessment matrix sample as an addendum within your ops manual to show how you will identify and rate any potential risks at your intended flying location.
What puzzles me is as this was a renewal, how on earth you managed to get a PfCO/PFAW in the first instance without one included in your original OM submission.
Who was your NQE? They should have proof read and approved your final ops manual before going to the CAA.
Hi Editor,

Thanks for quick reply.

I included pre-site and on-site risk assessment forms as well as a paragraph on risk management in my original OM, which was accepted no problem. Perhaps requirements have changed now? I have not involved my NQE in my renewal.

regards, Michael.
Hi Editor,

Thanks for quick reply.

I included pre-site and on-site risk assessment forms as well as a paragraph on risk management in my original OM, which was accepted no problem. Perhaps requirements have changed now? I have not involved my NQE in my renewal.

regards, Michael.
Hmmm.....very strange.
I'm not aware of any changes to the criteria for OM submissions.
Did you include a matrix in your original showing increasing risk rising along the X axis and severity of injury from nothing to multiple fatalities along the y axis? (or vice versa)
That's what they will be after.
No, I did not include that. You are right, that is what they are after I think, but I have no idea how to go about it. I have researched on the web, but nothing. I am just going around in circles! Thanks again for reply though. Michael.
Thank you, I really appreciate your help, and sorry to ask, but does one use this table with another sheet to explain the different scenarios of risks?
Thank you, I really appreciate your help, and sorry to ask, but does one use this table with another sheet to explain the different scenarios of risks?
You will need to reference it as an addendum in your ops manual and say you will use it for all missions.
You will then need a sheet which will mirror your site survey giving the possible scenarios of something happening.
As an example - let's say there was a primary school 500m from where you are planning your mission.
A possible situation could be loss of control of aircraft that results in it crashing into the playground.
The risk of injury would be high but the probability of it actually happening would be very low. This then can be applied to your matrix.
Then the risk could be mitigated by, for example, ensuring your aircraft was not airborne during school playtimes etc.

Hope that helps.
Yes, that all makes sense now. Thanks for explaining it so well and for the Google docs link. Kind regards Michael.
It’s strange (and concerning) that the CAA did not pick up on this omission in the previous PfCO application.

I wonder how many other PfCOs have been issued against an inadequate OM?
It’s strange (and concerning) that the CAA did not pick up on this omission in the previous PfCO application.

I wonder how many other PfCOs have been issued against an inadequate OM?
Agreed - however, I also question the NQE who should have proof read the document and presumably signed off on it before the first submission went into the CAA
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It certainly wouldn't be a bad idea for the CAA to sample the OMs of any NQE they choose to audit to ensure they are meeting the requirements properly. I get the feeling that there is a ticklist mentality at CAA of 1. CAP reference table 2. ECCAIRS, 3. Insurance company name matching ZOM company name, and little else. I know the NQE's are expected to do the audit prior to submission but as CAA is the regulatory body is it too much to expect them to check OM's properly before a permit is issued?
It certainly wouldn't be a bad idea for the CAA to sample the OMs of any NQE they choose to audit to ensure they are meeting the requirements properly. I get the feeling that there is a ticklist mentality at CAA of 1. CAP reference table 2. ECCAIRS, 3. Insurance company name matching ZOM company name, and little else. I know the NQE's are expected to do the audit prior to submission but as CAA is the regulatory body is it too much to expect them to check OM's properly before a permit is issued?
You're asking a Government body to actually do some work?
Do you see the flaw in your argument there? :p

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