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No video in DJIGO app from X5R

Jan 20, 2014
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We've been using our X5R on an Osmo and in our Inspire1. We turned on the Osmo this morning after we installed the Z Axis arm to build a fix so the X5R would work on the Z Axis, which incidentally worked great, however now we have no picture in the DJIGO app. We checked all the connections and to the eye everything appears fine.

Removed the Z Axis arm and attached directly to the Osmo handle and we still have no picture. Attached the X5R to our Inspire and agin the same thing. We can see all the controls in the app. In the Osmo we have normal control of the camera, can pan & tilt with the joystick or with the screen. I rolled a bit to see if it's recording and have a normal picture on the SD card albeit a lot out of focus, but no surprise there.

The only thing that doesn't function in the video to the iPhone. Just a gray screen. Tried a couple of iPhones also. We did notice when we tried to format the SD card there was an error telling us the format timed out. Same thing on the SSD drive.

Anyone have a any ideas? Are we missing something really obvious.\?

Thanks...Jim & Kelly Watt
So we called DJI tech support this morning. When we called the unit was still not giving us a video feed on the Osmo. Tech support had us put it back on the Inspore and miracle of all miracles, we got a video feed. Then when we switched it back to the Osmo...yep we now have an audio feed and the tech has no clue why. Just one of the FM's. If we run into any other no video feed experiences we'll post it here, but for some mysterious reason all is working.

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I have an inspire 1(v1) and am having problems with my ipad mini 2. When using the X3 i have no problems with the iphone 6s+ or mini 2 with regards to video. However, when I attach my ipad mini using the X5r the mini screen either refreshes every 2 to 3seconds or only half the screen appears. Any suggestions? Have updated to latest Go app version.
I have an inspire 1(v1) and am having problems with my ipad mini 2. When using the X3 i have no problems with the iphone 6s+ or mini 2 with regards to video. However, when I attach my ipad mini using the X5r the mini screen either refreshes every 2 to 3seconds or only half the screen appears. Any suggestions? Have updated to latest Go app version.

Make sure the wifi on ipad is turned off and you are not around strong wifi singnal, also put the thing on a custom channel and lower the bandwith of the lightbridge transmission to the lowest.

i had MASSIVE problems with light bridge dropping out all the time, it went away when I used more powerful ipad, but I fixed it by setting it to custom and turning down the MBPS in the icon which controls these settings in the app.

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