Hello everyone hope your all well 
We have a shoot next week around sunset and obviously its low light. I wanted to ask some more experienced operators how far we can push the x5r ISO and APP wise. We are shooting RAW and i am praying we get some good results from it as i have only ever shot with the sun setting in shot so far and managed 200 iso max for nice footage.
Does anyone have some good advice for us about their expereinces and how far we can push things but still get good footage. This is a national video so needs to be top notch
p.s We have neat video haha
Thanks mick

We have a shoot next week around sunset and obviously its low light. I wanted to ask some more experienced operators how far we can push the x5r ISO and APP wise. We are shooting RAW and i am praying we get some good results from it as i have only ever shot with the sun setting in shot so far and managed 200 iso max for nice footage.
Does anyone have some good advice for us about their expereinces and how far we can push things but still get good footage. This is a national video so needs to be top notch

p.s We have neat video haha
Thanks mick