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How goes all

Thanks Ralph. Just getting started. Got a big mountain to climb, figuratively speaking.
I have a m30t for about 9 months, love it.
Are you using yours for recreation or commerical?

Ralph / aj4g
I've been flying drones for a few years now, but literally just bought the M30T drone, passed the Part 107, and formed my business. It will be used for commercial inspection.
Good deal, I also have Part 107, I have been flying for around 10 or so years,
my inventory of drones include.

Phantom 4 Pro V2.0
Mavic 2 Zoom
Matrice M30T
Mini 4 Pro (just bought have not received it yet)

[email protected]
Nice! I am considering the Mini 4 Pro to replace my old Mini. I'm gonna assume you're using your M30T for commercial purposes (but I could be wrong). If so, what type of services are you offering? If not, disregard. Just trying to get an idea of what other pilots are using the drone for.
Right now, I am not doing any commerical services, I live a real rural area, mountains and such and there is not much commeriacal to do.
I may down the road do some commerical, don't really now.

A neighbor of mine that has some bison, some of them go out of his farm and I helped him with finding some of them with the thermal.

Go to youtube and put in my name

ralph queener

and look at some of the videos I have posted with the m30t.
Let me knw what you think

Ralph / aj4g
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Cool video's! I can see how powerful the thermal would be when spotting animals. I haven't yet put together a YouTube channel but plan to for my business. Well, that and the whole Facebook and Instagram thing. I took my M30T out for its first flight a month or so ago and took some video/pictures but nothing to write home about. My intentions with this drone are to get my level 1 and 2 ASNT thermography certifications, and then find work in solar farm/array, electrical transmission towers, wind turbine, radio tower, commercial roof, and commercial building envelope inspection. There is a metric ton of work to be had here in the Maryland/Virginia part of the country. I have a buddy to is an engineer who would be interested in getting involved with this whole thing. This is, for now, a side gig though. My full time job comes first.

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