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X4S: Best Settings / Profile for Video

Oct 4, 2015
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Hello all! I have my Inspire 2 w/ X4S on the way but I was curious what the general consensus is on the best video settings / profile for the greatest flexibility in post / the grade? Thank you all for your advice.
Check out the quality of the camera lens focus first. Find some block wall, chain link fence, golf field netting, etc. and set the lens up perpindicular to that, take some stills and video, and check to see how the focus is across the image first. Make sure it is sharp and even as some have issues with one side being soft with the DJI cameras which means you need to replace it or fix it before jumping into video. Not much sense shooting with a bad camera.

Much of the video setting stuff is subjective, and sometimes the individual camera has its own quirks too. Some like D-Log stuff and a lot of post editing. Others don't and just want a quick Youtube file or a still for Instagram without a lot of editing in a complex editor.
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On the X4S is it still recommended to dial down the sharpness / contrast / saturation to -3 (or whatever) in D-Log? That seemed to be the general consensus on the X3 camera but I never pushed its sharpness all the way down because it seemed to get mushy.

I'm just looking for a good starting place on these settings and I can't seem to find anything. As for post-production, I just need the largest amount of flexibility possible out of the camera / footage and I'll grade everything in post.
Just bumped this post as - like the OP - I'd like a bit of advice on settings for video using this camera (in the UK if that makes a difference). Unfortunately if you do a search on this you get scores of hits - many of which have loads of pages - so if anyone could direct me straight to a 'beginners guide' I would appreciate it; thank you. In particular I need to find out about appropriate frame rates, etc as a test video I shot in 1080 appeared to flicker when I viewed it on the computer - would this be the result of an incorrect frame rate choice or do I need to match a setting to the screen?!
I've discovered that 1080 120FPS is grainy..I recorded the same short clip in all of the 4K and 1080 FPS options and the 120 FPS is the only one that does it. Not sure why, I just avoid it.
I would be curious to hear what others have found as “acceptable” in terms of noIse at various ISOs? What is the best / cleanest ISO? And how does the ISO setting impact the DR?
DXoMark did some lab tests on the X4S. Some of the test results are below, but for a more detailed data set you may visit this LINK.

If your ultimate goal is to retain as much information in the image file as is possible, you can use some of these results as a guide to help customize your settings. I’ve been consistently dissapointed in D-Log as it tends to introduce a surprising amount of chromatic noise. Hope this helps.

SNR (18%):

  • ISO 100: 37.7dB
  • ISO 200: 34.9dB
  • ISO 400: 31.9dB
  • ISO 800: 28.9dB
  • ISO 1600: 25.9dB
Dynamic Range :

  • ISO 100: 12.57EV
  • ISO 200: 11.83EV
  • ISO 400: 10.98EV
  • ISO 800: 10.09EV
  • ISO 1600: 9.26EV

Tonal Range :

  • ISO 100: 8.45bits
  • ISO 200: 7.99bits
  • ISO 400: 7.5bits
  • ISO 800: 6.49bits
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