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Multiple, GPS Repeatable, 34 Shot Panos - Is it Possible?

Jul 2, 2018
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I have a project that requires multiple flights, gps repeatable trips for documentation using 34 shot panos. I need it to fly to a specific waypoint, shoot the 34 photos required, fly to the next waypoint, shoot a 34 shot pano, and so on until I need to bring it home for a battery change, then continue the mission with a new battery set. I am using an Inspire 2 with an X4S.
I know I can use Litchi to fly waypoints and shoot their seven shot pano, or fly Waypoint, switch to Pano mode, shoot the 34 shot panos, but then it will not (to my knowledge), continue the mission in Waypoint to go shoot the next pano
I have looked at Dronelink, but not closely enough to determine if it can solve this.
Has anyone mastered this that would care to share how they did it?
Thank you in advance for your thoughts.
I would set up each point as its own mission. That should be doable in almost any software. I don't use Litchi, but I'm pretty sure Autopilot can do this, as Autopilot allows a lot of precise camera control.

And while you might be tempted to simply pan the camera or yaw the bird for all 34 shots, I'd consider flying a small circle with the camera facing outward. This should make it easier to granulate camera precision.

I fly an I2 with a Cendence and Crystalsky. 90% of the time I use Go4. But I have Litchi installed on the Crystalsky for times when I need to do panos. It does a really good job on panos and waypoint tracking. It is a bit of a pain reactivating Go4, but the pano feature is good. The panos I shot are 360 typically. You only loose the part directly above the aircraft.
Thank you for your replies. Litchi does a good job on 360 panos, (34 shots with an X4s). It does a great job on waypoints. But I am trying to do a waypoint mission with five waypoints and shoot a 34 shot pano at each waypoint. Then, do the identical thing month after month. To my knowledge, Litchi cannot do this. Is there any software that can?
I'm fairly sure you can set this up in Litchi. It may take a little experimentation and may not be as simple as the "one-click" Panos Litchi does but if you go to Litchi Mission Hub you can do it. Start a new Mission and at each Waypoint inset a 'Panorama' action. You may have to find some data on the rotations and gimbal angles used for each shot an put that in manually to some extent. But clicking on the 'Panorama Preset' appears to get the process started nicely.

I've done hundreds of Panos with Litchi. It really does a great job.

Waypoint Panos.jpg
Let the group know what you come up with. Ultimately, I believe it will be better to split this up into 5 missions, which will still make it repeatable and consistent. But if you figure out how to do this in one mission, please share.

I have a project that requires multiple flights, gps repeatable trips for documentation using 34 shot panos. I need it to fly to a specific waypoint, shoot the 34 photos required, fly to the next waypoint, shoot a 34 shot pano, and so on until I need to bring it home for a battery change, then continue the mission with a new battery set. I am using an Inspire 2 with an X4S.
I know I can use Litchi to fly waypoints and shoot their seven shot pano, or fly Waypoint, switch to Pano mode, shoot the 34 shot panos, but then it will not (to my knowledge), continue the mission in Waypoint to go shoot the next pano
I have looked at Dronelink, but not closely enough to determine if it can solve this.
Has anyone mastered this that would care to share how they did it?
Thank you in advance for your thoughts.
I highly recommend working with the app
Drone Harmony for Dji
You can perform any task, save it, split it and save it in parts, and use it again and again. You can absolutely control all the different components of photography, and I must point out that their technical support is great. I use the app to do 3D modeling
Here's the talk to them link: [email protected]
If I get this solved, I will let the group know. To do one pano per mission would be very tedious and wasteful of battery and time resource. I am going to pursue Dronelink to see if it may be more applicable in this type of operation.
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